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Corbyn and Hardie Show

Political week in review.

Scottish Labour convention in Perth , gearing up the cheerleaders for the council elections in MAY.

SADIQ KHAN , an English man , LABOUR Mayor of London , comes to Scotland , as a product of Immigration with his parents being Pakistani - Calls 46 percent of Scotland Racists , for ONLY wanting independence.

The irony here is that INDIA is independent , then Pakistan became independent from Both INDIA and GB. So in fact he is then calling himself , a billion plus people of India and Pakistan racists?

The reason I mentioned the Pakistani bit is for the irony , not because I am highlighting on a personal level negatively , ie in fact the kind of TRUE racsim Khan speaks about , but rather it is positively in order to highlight the absurdity , if not to prove reverse racism.

Since the furore online , and in the FREE press , it has transpired that it may have been Anwas Sarwar as the author , Labour , that had a hand in writing the speech. Anwas himself also product by parentage of an independent country by parentage - and heir to his fathers millions.

What I think is going on in Labour and Scottish Labour politics is that they are kicking of the dog until it bites , to actually create racism , and return the Indian and Pakistani voting immigrant back to LABOUR that has rejected them.

The SNP has a load of current and rising stars resulting from Immigration , with more even coming to the fore in the Council elections in MAY , whom have decided to call Khan out on his remarks , people whom have called Scotland home by immigration , or their parents and their parents , and thus desire ITS , their , self determination.

There is those with even English and Irish heritage in the SNP and of course LABOUR FOR INDY , ENGLISH FOR YES parties adn the Greens.

FFS you cant throw a stone in Scotland without hitting someone that is a product of immigration , Irish , Poles , Asian , English and even Spanish or VIKING - never mind using a DNA TEST , regardless you are Scots the very moment we adopt each other - well until a game at Wembley.

So WE hardly representative of the racist accusations of KHAN , of the UK Labour party , of the SCOTTISH LABOUR PARTY , or of even English London he now represents as MAYOR - A place where Anglo WHITE heritage is fast becoming a minority themselves , and every Tramp is still called Scottish.

Of course he wasn't the only star of the show , Jesus , sorry “Jeremy” Corbyn turned up , did the same shite they always have done , but instead of the Tories being the farting dug to blame - it was the SNP.

Now you know I think that at least 30 percent of the SNP are frankly wankers , but for fuck sake , the number I have for wankers in the Labour party are the reverse - its now about 70 percent.

Post MAY council elections that number I suspect will end up higher , more so as many even in the Labour camp have jumped ship to either the unionist Tory or Nationalists camp … condensing the pool.

That high number of wankers in SLAB is as a result of the UK Labour mandate of anti indy for Scotland , of stealing its oil 3x , of the failure to industrialize Scotland once elected in 97 for its 15 years in Westminster . And of course the London head office ability to order EVERY SINGLE Scottish Labour member , OOR elected politicians , NOT to listen to their voters , but to the head office instead = thus to prevent indy by any means possible in 2014.

But heres the rub , while Nulabour had the purse strings at Westminster for 15 years , the SNP in Holyrood STILL doesnt.

So that failure to supply , most failures to supply , are I agree with the Holyrood and SNP supply ability , but not with its at their own hands as a result.

Every single fiscal power to create a successful and prosperous Scotland is prevented – its not by the Tories , its by Scottish Labour and the Tories….its by being the smaller partner in a biased union.Its by them selling Scotland to its Maisters - its in their DNA.

In fact during indy , with the vow , of the most devolved Parliament in the world - little has changed in that regard.

Corbys speech , was the usual , ramping rhetoric , highlighting not the TORIES as the enemy , whom are now a common friend , ie the enemy of my enemy kind , and instead simply a tirade on the democratically elected (but Westminster limited) Government of Scotland , Holyrood and the SNP.

There was two perhaps Freudian slip moments , to counter the fraudulent ones , where St Jeremy of of Pathetica slipped twice that the SNP and indy were the only solution for Scotland… to use the teen speak , roflpms.

Scottish Labour now represents a party of keeping the Westminster RULE on Scotland , of not just being the NULABOUR TORY lite , but by being TORY in every single chance given to them. Be that refusing to back SNP EU amendments on brexit to Protect their Scottish Electorates jobs - choosing to instead protect and subsidise those in England , or once again joining forces with their oldest enemy in order to prevent Scotland being supplied HOME RULE.

Home rule , where may you have heard that before?

Seeing as how Jeremy Corbyn decided to roll out the FATHER of the LABOUR party , like a lead singer throwing out the local venue town name I mentioned already , KEIR HARDIE was the creator of the workers party , then I will tell you where you have heard HOME RULE before....

Home RULE was the mandate of Keir HARDIE and the workers party , for INDIA (inc Pakistan) , IRELAND (all of but ended up only mostly) and ALL of the now Commonwealth nations to reject WESTMINSTER RULE , maltreatment of workers , and TAXATION AND CONTROL.

IT WAS for ALL of the working poor as empowerment over its colonial masters , and lets take note here , only one of them are not now independent…..

SCOTLAND – the birth place of HARDIE.

But did you hear Corbyn mention it , no , and you wont....ever.

Keir Hardie is but a gimmick to Labour , an income just like Scotland is , its the short bread tin at the car boot sale for Labour in Scotland to put the income in , that replaces Both INDY and Socialism as a dsitraction.

Every single time they roll out the name , the man is rolling in his grave , privatized as a vote generating turbine – nothing else.

As a result they are probably doing the Independence II campaign’s work for it.

Keep up the Good work Jezza and Sadie.

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