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Politics and Terrorism are bedfellows

Been quiet for a while on here , been louder on the twitter though.

I heart MCR.

Hugs and Tears to the victims , survivors , family , care workers and peaceful worshippers of Islam whom will again suffer as a result.

I am going to type this rambling tripe , if your offended I am sorry , but I feel that I need a form of cathartic release , and I wasnt even there in Manchester , nor has it affected me other than in my soul. For a brief moment though I thought family might have been , and thats for me is close enough to warrant venting of my spleen.

Terrorism for the most part is a result of something , it doesn't spontaneously appear.

It can be by hate alone , regional conflict of a smaller peoples against a larger one ie oppression , or purely in this instance in Manchester religion – but it can also be the sum of all parts. Notice here I never said income , as we know that has very little to do with it , ie Bin Laden oil wealth or poor person - its indifferent… though wealth does play a part in selling arms and whom buys them , or indeed in funding the terrorists.

The definition of a terrorist though changes , by the media , and or the governments of the time.

Ghandi was called a Terrorist , as was Nelson Mandela , even the Mujahideen of yesterday , backed by the Anglo British system - and are now called terrorists as a reward for their services. Britain has blood on its hands when it comes to history in aiding terrorists directly and indirectly , it hasnt stopped with enlarging the empire.

During its Empire creation it left footprints , very fucking big jack fucking boot footprints , and even today in selling arms to regressive regimes is still doing the same – is there any reason not to expect a terrorist attack in retaliation if those buyers are also funding the terrorists?

Libya , Iraq , of recent history and UK involvement goes deeper than just the removal of Saddam and Gaddafi – it was behind them in their install , and when your dog turns on its master – its put to sleep.

Oil , Dollars , are the reason for the creation and the dissolution of both of them , so although I mentioned earlier income has little to do with creating terrorists , it does to a point when its a foreign government creating wealth for its OWN few at home and playing puppetry on others in foreign lands.

Libya as it transpires is the origination of the family that brought the Manchester terrorist into this world , and if reports are correct they were given sanctuary for the part the father played in the removal of Gaddaffi. A somewhat tragic , perverse , and ironic payback has resulted from it , impacting on those that were innocent , much like Anglo American policy in foreign lands (oil regions) now missing from our State media and billionaire owned private media as they peddle fluff…. Rather than showing where this kind of terrorism is DAILY as a result of UK USA policy.

The Uk though its people are not savvy enough to know exactly what its Govt has done throughout history , schools only fill heads with noble winners in history , so the people will hold the union Standard high and wave it about , directed by its masters to show patriotism and division , while they are using our Army as a private mercenary unit for AngloAmerican wealth creation corporations for arm sales and oil contracts.

Today 80% of our media is owned by tax avoiding billionaires , our BBC is in the pocket of no10 , be that Full fat Tory or its Nulabourlite form , its people know nothing of the truths , but are also as a result ignorant of the lies – fed them to garner support.

That same game of creating the boogieman that caused terrorism ie WMD , also caused brexit ie blame , even creates hate on Scotland with the Barnet formula in our media in England. The “division” that the Tories go on about is one that historically they have created , in order to retain the most affordable kind of control they want , need – the electorates as their enablers.

Media needs reform and accountability.

As we near an election its power has never been so obvious. And is as a result opening the cynics eyes that were once apathetically blindfolded. Hopefully those with blinkers removed are in larger numbers than the self confirmation of bigots beliefs they are courting – just like the sectarian vote Scottish Labour and Conservatives had , sought , in the council elections.

Zealot like patriotism is spawned , created , for a weapon to be divisive on the weak minded , its the oldest of colonial rule “divide and conquer”. That weak mind is ensured by our media , so no need for GOVTS to insist on proper regulation of the press and media , which is probably why not one party has media reform in its manifesto.

This nationalism good , that nationalism (if its self determination) bad.

However there is a major flaw in the Scots identity , its nationalism is nothing at all like that of patriotism under the Union Standard for the majority . Its perhaps (on paper at least) a form of sovereign socialism , something that the Scottish Labour party are now devoid of , and yet got to its peak on the back of…. Yet it still is offering support to the Tories in our councils , and each election suffers from it , yet is protected from change by the regional list system , where its leaders remain although rejected at the polls , and change is denied furthering its decline.

But that protected list system was designed to prevent the Nationalists rising , so its somewhat ironic that it is backfiring so spectacular.

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