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To Err is Human , to ignore it is divine.

So haven't done an update to the blog in a while , first I was busy like many for the council elections , then along comes the General Election , which no doubt will have a second half soon enough.

But what has went on since then , well Michelle Thomson “found innocent!” ( I know , the irony of found innocent without a court case , except it isnt irony its deliberate headlines by the MSM unionist media).

So no charges , or whatever way you want to spell it out , was it a witchunt , or simple facts that she had a business model of buy then sell – so capitalism is to blame? That attack , ie its capitalism , should have it swept under the kerpit if the Indy Movement takes that tack.

Someone with money got the justice they could afford is the valid explanation here imo , those in indy need to take that as fact , and not simply SNP bad. Its criticism. Which when constructive , leads to change – a preventative measure , if not a Darwinian warning which protects what you want , party and policies , more than blinkers ever can. Scottish Labour anyone?

So before anyone starts harrassing me about what follows below , just think for a moment , do the poor get a legal fair shake , or millionaire property barons?

If it was a Tory , or Labour politician war criminal , Liedem victory like Carmichael's , would the movement be as congratulatory without scrutiny? I hope not , for all our sakes.

I can assume at this point the red kerpit is rolled oot again for Michelle , welcoming her to the fold , so lets hope she stays well away from political involvement regarding social housing supply , or property ownership including reform , and rams it up them that carried the pitchforks - perhaps theres a job in there for scrutinising the Scots media and its reform for you Michelle - woman scorned and aw that , efter aw SNP and Holyrood seem to lie down to the media.

The SNP are keen on enriching lawyers with any new law reforms , if each one means the same job done twice , and lets face it the SNP do have a representation of both them and accountants in high numbers , as well as landlords and property developers.

Case proves point , the removal of double jep , corroborative evidence and even Juries of your peers getting the heave ho are on the kerds , or already in place – So the lawyers get more work from it? And like Westminster , or local councils , housing is biggest money #earner – exporting gdp to banks , and although the SNP model is better than Labour its still the Bank model regardless , and enrichement of the few.

Firstly put away your packamac for a moment snowflakes , there is a meandering moral here, in that we can sit back and watch indy II failure , or we can aid it by more than twitterspats and voting for Corbyns cuddly new anti indy Labour.(wink)

I have always said (and been open) where my opinion is on SNP failure , and as such offer that as the electorate are often Turkeys voting for xmas , and that those they elect carry a blunt axe for 4.5 years.

So where does the SNP fail ,or fall short , even if its better than someone else is C+ enough?

Its on law , as I mentioned , in that its for the enrichment of lawyers. Its on housing , in that its for the enrichment of banks , landowners and developers , and lastly the failure to prove the economic case of indy , ironically just like law “beyond a reasonable fucking doubt to a jury of our peers”.

Financially despite me knowing already Indy is not only workable but with brexit now also a necessity.

Joe Q Public , fed on a foodbank daily diet of MSM unionist lies does not , and as long as the SNP keep changing laws to enrich lawyers , to do housing for profit in the larger number instead of need surveys until social rented waiting lists are gone , and have no clear internationally accepted and recognised fiscal manifesto for post UK , then they are no better than the maisters we wish to replace.

You , we , simply fulfil the “cult” accusation criteria by accepted membership IF YOU DONT CRITICISE and prevent them from being new maisters.

Its such prevalence of those career professionals in politics which got me wondering , how deep does wealth go in UK political establishment.

So had a look at the career makeup of the Tory party also Labour , Lib Dems – they are ALL at it , millionaire socialists , separatists , and conservatives ALL have the same model , where the wealthy shape our politics in their own favour , controlling the money machine , law , housing , and so on.

With the Tories it not only is in a higher number percentage of them being wealthy , but also the fingers are in many legislative pies from local , to devolved , to WM , and worryingly DEMOCRACY and the SUPPLY too increasingly in the form of a digital voting future , and of course long term with the media.

So if we have established that wealthy get into politics for themselves , can we start talking about why they do , and whom gets them there – ie The billionaires , faceless like multinational donors , or the physical like Murdoch the king maker and the tax avoiding MSM of Daily Heil and Torygraph , even the BBC. Summary - how can we prevent them from doing so?

So before we start talking Indy Ref II , we should be talking about democracy and politics being a duty and a service , electoral Jury Duty if you will – not an income generator , or cv filler for directorship trouser pocket stuffing futures post electoral rejection.

An example or two follows.

As we see today the UK NHS is dying , on purpose , Long before I read Chomsky on how privatisation is achieved , ie run it down to sell it off , I had the very same eureka moment myself decades ago. So...

The less spent in England on the NHS has a knock on effect in Scotland.

The NHS well its being wrapped up in a big shiny box and offered to the American Insurance companies , carved up to private tax avoiding operators like Branson , or even when its aged care to a serving Tory MP whom has a company for both care home property developing and also offering services to others.

Post indy how could we better it , and protect it?

We all know that with eventual privatisation in England , and Scotland gets a per capita spend based on spend there.

So if its private , no HMG England spend , no spend in Scotland as a result.

IT simply cannot be denied that the Union will cost our sick their lives , or homes to pay for health , and as it now turns out the same insurance model WILL mean selling out pensioners homes from under them to pay for care , Peter Paying Peter Healthcare – So that Thatcher Right To Buy thing wasnt such a good idea after all , unless it means as a piggy bank to pay for care and health.

So how about a few changes in legislation before hand , pre indy , in order to prevent the same outcome of wealthy politics?

Lets say that our politicians are banned from USING private healthcare , and of course their loved ones , any guesses how the SNHS would fair then?

You better believe that it would be protected if such a condition was applied to an independent Holyrood politician employment . Or would it?

Of course our politicians are the same people that create their OWN job titles and employment conditions/benefits , so they would prevent it from happening , but by them doing so show the electorate how democracy works more for them than the electorate.

So in summary , as we start oiling up the bike for another Indy run , remember that to replace our maisters for wans of oor ain isn’t True Independence , we need to replace how politics work also as the bedrock of Holyrood also.

We need a peoples assembly as the upper house , like jury duty , to police the politicians.

Next Time maybe I will get round to Housing , why Councillors and Holyrood politicians need leashes and shock collars outside their own bedrooms.

Thanks for reading.

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