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Why do I post about T Towels of Irony?

Why do I seem to post on the twitter about this picture ALL THE TIME!!

First you need to know a little more about me , and what that picture means.

I am one of the main reasons WHY Scotland isnt independent , but at least I ADMIT IT!!

I was one of the last continual generations to have worked in Scottish Shipyards , and seen their demise.

I am one of the last Generations to have grown up in Council Housing , that watched tens of thousands of Council Homes demolished , and then suffered high private rents while Westminster Labour and Toy Landlord Mp's removed renters rights , created Right To Buy and never returned the monies to build more council houses.

I am one of those last Generations that seen the blight of Alcoholism replaced by Drugs on those council estates , been addicted to both - as a result of the installed deprivation by Westminster parties manifestos.

I am one of those that will suffer the Glasgow effect , that will see a privatised NHS WHOLLY in my shortened lifetime , thus even as WASPI are denied part of their pensions , I will never get a single penny = Waspi women . you can have mine xxoo.

I am , as a result , a Civic Nationalist rejecting a fraudulent union , and ALL parties that offer it.

As a result of being a former Labour Unionist I wish to redress it somehow.

That medium FOR ME is reminding folk what the Labour party in Scotland once was , right from the mouth of its father , Keir Hardie. Or as Labour folk today would know him better as the £100 Tea Towel of Irony Guy , signed Jeremy Corbyn , not so much Banksy , as Bankstery.

Written upon that T Towel is one of the shortest political manifestos of History , and today only one party in Scotland comes close in supply , where it doesn’t its restricted in doing so by Westminster via Reserved powers.

Home Rule – Once promised by Labour , erased from its modern history since NuLabour. Whether you can stomach the argument that Corby's Labour is different than Nulabour , that so many are pushing upon us in Scotland as an agenda , he , Labour keeps that SAME redaction.

Democratic Govt – Westminster RULE. As long as 83% of the voting power is retained by one single country of the UNION it means that a single party in England RULES over the other countries. Thats not democracy , thats colonialism. Scotland rejects Trident , Scotland gets Trident. Scotland rejects brexit , Scotland gets brexit – I think you can see Labour's democracy for what it is now.

Justice to Labour – Westminster means the removal of workers rights , the erosion of them post brexit. Labour introduced Tax credits , subsidy for employers , not workers. It rejects change with regard to employment laws being devolved to Scotland , regardless of brexit – which it supports.

No Monopoly – Currently monopolies are more like oligopolies , the shared and distributed yet monopolistic controls that Tories and NuLabour enabled , and protects. From backing the banking housing model over council rented , to privatised utils of the big six , to media , where 80% of our news media is controlled by offshore companies and billionaire tax avoiders , with the only other option being state propagandists BBC to ensure political policy for neoliberalism will continue.

No Landlordism – Labour , rent strikes , and even the once noble GCC are essentially enablers for the few. As much as a 3rd of Labour politicians are private Landlords. Labour stood in workplaces and door steps for decades , promising to re industrialise councils under a Tory Westminster as opposition. Yet when in power at Westminster built 6 , yes 6 council houses while in control of most councils and Holyrood , and yet never removed the right to buy , enabling many “socialist” landlords. It also voted against many landlord reforms in Westminster , and prevented at every opportunity much reform by preventing further devolution to Holyrood.

Temperance Reform – Scoff if you will , but its hard to snigger when you look at the impact on courts , NHS , Policing , grieving families , and communities with the blight of drink on Scotland. At every step Labour tried to prevent a minimum pricing alcohol structure in Scotland to redress such impact. SNP eventually introduced it , about 100 years after the Labour manifesto that also dries dishes.

Healthy Homes – See Landlordism above.

Fair Rents – See Landlordism also. ScotGov , despite much protestations from Labour will be introducing private rent reform/capping.

Eight hour day – Labour introduced the ZERO HOUR DAY as in contracts , and is taking us outside the employment protections of the UK while backing brexit – handing the removal of them to Westminster.

Work for the Unemployed – Today many businesses are using “workfare as free thus slave Labour” , as for the disabled unemployed that cant work , Labour introduced ATOS.

Today’s non T Towel based Labour manifestos

Those lip-service manifestos of modernity though , that weren’t supplied after Labour entered no10 are enough ammunition needed to reject them , forever .

But their counter offered today is “Aye but that was NuLabour” and “Corbyn is different” has been proven to be lies many times already – pretty much every time he , and the new Anglo Scottish Labour leader , open their mouth and speak its lies about Scotland.

They (Labour) are and always will be a party of unionism.

HOME RULE by Labour has been erased from its history.

As long as Scotland can/must be the piggy bank for both NuSocialism and Neoliberalism for Westminster Parties , while being portrayed not as the socialist benefactor , but instead as the “9 out of 10 Scots are a parasitic drain on the UK” mindset of their unionist bedfellows the Tories , then the union offered by Labour is one and the same.

Sadly , and I am not being sarcastic here I really do mean sadly , Scottish Labour , as we found out in 2014 is nothing more than bums on Westminster seats party first. Seats that ALWAYS follow the personal income model for those elected. When they ALWAYS take the English party WHIP over electorate wishes , it means a whip that’s ALWAYS used on those same voters backs by taking it.

However , many die hard Red Clyde Labour men and women finally seen through Labour in 2014 , and rejected Scottish Labour forever , so swings and roundabouts really. Its ironical Funny that phrase really , Labour/Tory councils in Scotland , removing said swings and roundabouts then selling off the playgrounds for private housing – “Better Together , see same as “all in it together” really.

Their mindset TODAY is that they are somehow “unjustly ousted” from an “entitled” position momentarily in Scotland , for them its the electorate whom are WRONG – not their policies today , historically since after Bevan , or their daily actions.

Unlike Labours rise in England enabled with promises bribing Students , and appearing to reject brexit which we found out later that it wont , they have NOTHING TO OFFER THE SCOTTISH ELECTORATE but British Nationalism , preventing devolved powers , and retaining a democratically biased union.

We , Ex LAB voters are now the hardest critics of the SNP , perhaps harder than the unionist parties and their voters. Which is why we should be looking back at Labour sans blinkers in order to protect ourselves from what could be called complaceSNP , and also softening towards Labour is prevented in doing so.

While voting for SNP , as the only party to offer change , the only party to cover the Hardie manifesto in Scotland FULLY , we STILL need to be those HARD critics , not blocked on social media by those seeking the same independence . All you do is create smaller vacuums , and give unionist's ammo by rejecting VALID criticism from our own , as SNPBAD , that would prevent failure ie proper SNPBAD.

I am not naming names , but You know who you are!!

So where to next for indy ref II 2018?

For complacency reasons mentioned earlier , I also identify that the next stumbling block for the path to independence was the same as yesterdays. ITS ME , and my peers , and you if you fall into that age bracket too – for the most part.

Its the AGE 55 and up working class that the movement itself we need to convince that independence is fiscal triage for them.

In my opinion PROJECT FEAR was louder than the YES movements fiscal argument , one so vague on direction , that it could have been in a modern day Labour Manifesto for vote sponging.

Labour Today represents the 2 A's of of the modern political narrative in order to prevent appearing going central , ie revealing they are STILL from the NULabour Santa’s workshop , thus rejected by socialists on the left that are following Corbyn as the NuMessiah. Those two A's are Ambiguity and Abstaining. Its a party happy to be the opposition , because when they arent it means Accountability , the third A if you will , which ALWAYS trumps the other two making them unelectable.

While we , independence seekers , are many on social media , we aren’t the majority in the largest VOTING DEMOGRAPHIC , and that’s those absorbing the propagandist state and private media without chewing , day in , day out , socially conditioned to accept the brexit britnat unionist narrative as the norm.

Its a demographic group that I am entering , 55+, that either continues to vote the WESTMINSTER way , or ironically has shifted further right into Tory territory with each advancement in age preventing independence.

Its a fact , proven by electoral data in modern times , this 55+ is today’s MAJORITY VOTING GROUP , and the only one that can deliver us over the line in an indy ref in 2018. Its the same bracket that gives us our Westminster govts via the English Electorate.

This age group demographic though arent the indy movement's enemy , they lack MODERN political education , with no desire to connect to it , thus propagandist media fills that void , they are an enemy to themselves. We cannot blame them and scream its their fault , we need to persuade them , in a headwind of unionist media.

Its also a fact that most of 73% of English born NO voters are also in Scotland’s 20% wealthiest bracket , with personal income levels double that of Scotland’s lower median income average areas. So dont expect change in Tory Heartlands unless we target their working class neighbours. To give you an idea on numbers during Indy ref , that total number of English born NO votes , was about 6% of the total votes cast , which is the difference between the 45% yes vote and its 51% needed.

Regardless of how many boots are put on the streets during indy ref II , if we dont counter the media onslaught , and one that will make 2014 look half arsed , it will render the same results. This is something that many in the sphere believe that the SNP is failing on , via not tackling the media rebroadcasting known lies of unionist politicians , and I find it 100% true.

By ScotGov biting back , it only serves to get votes. Victim-hood only works so far UNTIL its seen as weakness , and then all we in the digital alt media become are shouters in an ever shrinking vacuum.

Thanks for reading. I had planned on these being 3 separate blog updates , but lost a hard drive , this was all I could salvage from those docs.

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