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Year in Review(ish)

You can look back and see my articles, but this one is merely a digest of what I reckon were important enough topics and reports to deem worthy of collating – for me.

I started my Blog (and using the Twitter) just before what I thought would be a relatively quiet year of political events, basically with regard to Council Elections, then soon after came Treeza's "back me or I will resign" moment to forward brexit via a General Election – BTW still waiting on that resignation.

With the council elections Scot Tories did their flute solos with Slab bandleaders taking a dive, Ruth being her usual protected by the media self, Labour gets a new flat capped Janny, and SNP getting oan wi the day job and expected to get oan with Westminsters Day Job regarding reserved matters. SNP take overall control of GCC, Labour and Tories become bedfellows in other councils thanks to single transfer voting becoming a war on independence – which councils cant stop or supply anyway.

My politcal allegiance STILL lies with what I regard is progressive Socialism, always has, which I once thought meant being in the UK - via the wider fight as a former Clydeside Shipyard Labour, onetime union card carrying voter. It has never lay with Church nor Football, secret societies, for the simple reason of colonialism page one - "Divide and Conquer" - well it was honed at home.

Its why I am respected and loathed in equal measures in local circles, even in anti indy camps, so much so I was asked if I wanted put forward in the local elections, in private, for parties on both sides of indy question , and also as an independent arguing for such independence increasing locally from both Westminster and Holyrood controls.

One thing of note from this year is my temporary leaning back towards Labour, or whatever flavour they are this week, whom will NEVER promote Scots Indy, and seek to erase that fact that they once were a socialist workers party that KNEW it was the way forward for the worker – Until they return to that mandate, then they will never be electable again to significance in Scotland.

Scotland doesnt want A revolution, it wants political evolution.

Half of the population want a union, half dont, near 70% want to remain in the EU having rose from 62%. During indy ref the unionist parties told us "The only way to ensure Scotland stays in the EU is to vote NO to indy"... seems like most of the pro union promises were lies just like those brexit ones, well they only needed to be believed then – not efter the vote.

Blairism, NuLabour, Scots Indy ref all awakened in me the fact that hundreds of years of Union benefits "the few, not the many", and that the wealthy had taken over the workers party continues to keep it that way.

It would pay dividends instead to set up a shop front via Scots Indy to advertise and promote their "socialist wares" via proof of concept and supply - in either Labour controlled Wales or iScotland. But of course for that to matter you first have to remove the party blinkers, which since Kinnock rebooted Labour are still shackles for the workers regardless.

Labour's new tactic in 17 was to use "it wasnt Corbyns Labour THEN" but "NuLabour" when challenged on their failures, stating instead it was now led by a NEW Marxist Janny armed with a old bucket of NuSawdust with the word Tory crudely painted over.

Corbyn came up to Scotland primarilly to sell Hardie T Towels during CE and GE, while the London Mayor called those in Scotland seeking independence "terrorists".

Until that day, and more of the same rhetoric since hardening my resolve, I had been wholly supportive of JC as England's only hope for the working classes, those that ironically Labour fooled into believing in a "classless society", then again by "workers are the middle classes" soon after.

Then came that cherry on the cake from Scots faux indy Labour folk of "but this time its different" and Labour demanding we should lend them a vote to aid England's workers against their AIN Labour and Tory brexiteer selves – this as the same LABOUR denied Scotland an EU lifeboat via brexit amendments , seems solidarity is "we are all in this together" , now where have I heard that again?

The primary voices behind such "lend them our vote" in Scotland was the likes of Cat Boyd, whom prior to indy ref I said would revert to type, and that type is just like that of her coonsilor mum – SNuLabour fauxialism , supplied on a ticket of the past irrelevant to the present/future.

I am still blocked and/or banned from some of our i-comrades for stating facts that need tackling including on the SNP themselves, and I fear they number FAR more than those in the unionist camp doing the same these days. The simple fact remains, we have to be critical and unblinkered, for if we dont then the movement itself will be controlled by the fakers, the self servist mercenary , and end up where Labour are today as a result.

Hardly suprising really the treatment I had from one of Scotland's interweb indy forums and site admins, the reason why I took up the twitter mentioned in first blog, when I suggested as such regarding Cat was always self promoting first and "her" indy was a ruse. I was summarily attacked as being a misogynist in saying so as i-womenkind "blindly" defended her, well simply for being a woman, and myself as a man had guilt by chromosome associated default , so should shut up and eat my cereal.

Many of those voices too I fear saw indy ref as a "vehicle for one", where that one was rightfully "gender balance" , but now perverted for a personal cause, their own income on the back of it.

Blinkered many are within the sphere, too eager to round the "breasts are best" equality bandwagons, too willing to kneejerk to the faux moral crusade(r's) – Not argue instead that perhaps we should be considering the "best candidate" for the job matters more than the plumbing.... well unless your looking for a plumber.

I dont know about others but I want the best person for a job in 2018, sex/gender, religion all have fuck all to do with it, ability and delivery is what matters, or we only have replaced inequality with more of the same.

If the willing working poor simply promote and defend folk into jobs for their personal income on the back of gender, "jobs for the girls" has merely replaced "jobs for the boys" – and we all have been conned , again.

Indy has no gender, Holyrood is the best candidate for the job for Scotland post brexit, outside of bankrupt, broken up Britain and its non gender specific bollocks.

Scotland , Westminster's Handmaiden , well she will bear no more.

Now to get back to my boy job and take out the bins.

Happy New Year.

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