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You have(nt) been watching...

You Have been watching .... sorry this content is not available (Ministry of Truth).

This blog article started off as a series of tweets, got too big, too important to be used as such.

Last week the Journalist/Blogger Stu Campbell, and another Peter Curran, had an entire portfolio of BBC political clips removed from YouTube, items which showed the depths that our STATE broadcaster under the guise of copyright abuse goes to in order to protect the guilty – ie the politicians featured in said clips, or indeed the Broadcaster itself.

Whether you like Stu, Wings over Scotland, politically or personally, or Peter, whom blocked me on twitter a while back for god knows what is regardless - ANY political content reviewer ie Journalists or ourselves, as licence holders using the acceptable use rules, then we have a right to both use or watch them.

To ignore it , STATE CENSORHIP , to reject criticism by the BBC , on politicians and themselves , is now showing that they no longer are public broadcasters, but through a single London based Lawyer acting on their behalf has shown they are STATE PROPAGANDISTS.

The whole saga is beginning to reek of an attack on free speech as well as an attack on democracy, I dont know if "you have been watching.." the political landscape of late, fraudulent brexit based on lies, the BBC entrenching into the "free press" with subsidy to achieve a fraudulent brexit result doubling down on "papers reviews" with shady "Think Tank" reviewers, spreading narratives for the right and the rich – but we are in bad historical territory here. Very Fucking bad history.

Those of you in the LEFT that believe the BBC also have a narrative on Corbyn should open your eyes just a little wider, the BBC and the PRIVATE OWNED press they NOW subsidise , or review to hard stamp the narrative with think tank guests, are either doing the same thing Wings over Scotland highlights, or they arent.

There is no middle ground here, either the BBC is now the enemy of the state broadcaster, or its the 4th miltiary arm, after Land, Air, and Sea for the Govt in power today – or they arent. Its not like they dont have form against the worker classes , Orgreave , Hillsborough , and lets not forget here protected peadophillia.

Remainers , whether you support the idea behind Peter and Stu's YouTube content being based on Scottish Independence , you should be worried that there IS NO POLITICAL PARTY in Westminster capable , and actively rejecting brexit – based on lies , and fraud. The same tools used to get BREXIT are the same TOOLS that Peter and STU highlighted , and top of the tier is the BBC.

Free Press Jounalists too should be worried, rather than entrenching, they should be investigating who fired the starting pistol, ie contacted the Lawyer from the BBC to enact a content take down order, and whom told them to do it – theres a story in there, that will make a journalist world renowned, or have them killed on opening their front door – again.

That includes BBC Scotland staff, in the front line, that I am sorry to say might well end up on criminal charges after Scottish Independence – or fucking hung for Treason by the maisters they serve, and yes its where WE area heading by being complicit, or indeed collaborators, but I will give you a hint, rope is cheap, and lamp posts are many – so pick a side wisely, if you havent already.

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